Pool Algae and How to Get Rid of It

plant city fl pool service and chlorine cleaningIf you have a pool, algae is something you can’t avoid dealing with. Where there is water, there are algae. These microscopic organisms can quickly multiply, causing your pool to turn various shades of green. Not only will a pool eventually turn blackish green if the algae aren’t killed, but the growth will attract harmful bacteria that make swimming hazardous. Knowing how to get rid of pool algae is swimming pool ownership 101.

What is Algae?

Pool algae are multicellular organisms. They are classified as plants, and they can be green, brown, yellow, red, and blue-green. By themselves, they can’t make swimmers sick, but they can coat a pool with a slippery, slimy layer. They attract bacteria that can cause health problems, which is the most important reason for algae control. Pool algae can, for example, be a haven for E-coli bacteria and other pathogens.

Algae thrive in plenty of sunlight, and they consume the nutrients in water. In pool water, algae flourish by consuming contaminants such as urine and perspiration. Some forms of algae cling to the interior surfaces of pools.

In an outdoor pool, there is no way to keep algae away. They are too tiny to see, but they get into the water via the wind, dust, and rain. Because they cling to swim suits and other objects, they can end up in a swimming pool that way, too.

When pool conditions aren’t right, algae bloom can occur as quickly as overnight. The following situations can cause algae spores to quickly multiply:

· An imbalance of chemicals in the water, which could be caused by rain water

· The presence of carbon dioxide or nitrates

· Direct sunlight and warm temperatures

· Poor circulation in the pool

· Poor filtration

· Lack of proper pool sanitation

How to Get Rid of Algae

The way you know you have an algae problem is that your pool water isn’t nice and clear. The water may be light green, dark green, or black-green. The different colors represent different stages of algae as well as the need for different strategies to get your pool clean. For all stages, you will be shocking your pool. Shocking is a process of adding chlorine or non-chlorine chemicals to your pool for the purpose of raising the “free chlorine” level, so that the pool has the right balance of chemicals to destroy bacteria, algae, and other contaminates.

pool repairs and paving in plant city fl· For a light green pool, a double shock is needed. Add two pounds of shock treatment for pools with up to 10,000 gallons of water. For pools with up to 20,000 gallons of water, add four pounds of shock, etcetera.

· If the pool water is dark green, a triple shock treatment is needed. Add 3 pounds of shock for every 10,000 gallons or less of water.

· For a swampy looking black-green pool, a quadruple shock is needed. Add 4 pounds of shock for every 10,000 gallons or less of water.

Call the Professionals at Pool Works

Of course, when professionals are put in charge of pool maintenance, you can leave algae control to them. At Pool Works Pools & Spas, we are experts who love cleaning pools. Contact us today at 863-967-2863 for help with a green pool, ongoing maintenance, and all of your pool and spa needs.

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