Signs You’re in Need of a Swimming Pool Pump Replacement
Your pool pump is the heart of your pool. It keeps water flowing through the filter, chlorinator, and heater. Without it, your pool would start to look like the black lagoon. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for algae and bacteria. If you want crystal clear pool water, it’s smart to pay attention to the health of your pool pump. Much like a car, there are warning signs you can recognize that indicates when it needs some TLC.
Repair vs. Replacement
The price tag for replacing a pool pump can be high. Your first instinct might be to repair it instead. If it only has a minor problem (such as issues with the bearings or a clogged or stuck impeller), that’s a smart choice. For serious electrical or motor issues, replacing the pump will be necessary for your safety and the health of the pool.
If your pool pump is over ten years old, replacing it now is a good option, even if it could survive another year or two.
You will save money in the long run by investing in a new model. Technological innovations have improved the energy efficiency of pool pumps. Many new models have energy-saving modes and offer variable speeds instead of just one or two speeds. Along with better performance from the pump, you’ll enjoy a lower utility bill.
Here are signs that you can look out for that indicate your pool pump is ready to be replaced.
Warning Signs Your Pool Pump Needs Replacing
#1 – Old Age
Nothing lasts forever, including pool pumps. The average lifespan for one is 11-15 years. If your pool pump is getting to that age, it’s time to look for a new model. Even if your pool pump is gently humming along without any apparent signs of failure, it can’t function at full capacity.
#2 – Trips the Circuit
Does the circuit trip when the pool pump kicks on? If it does, your pool pump most likely has a serious electrical issue. Try unplugging other appliances from the circuit to make sure its the problem. If the pool pump still trips the breaker, it’s time to look for a new pump. An electrical issue in the pump can cause a surge of power that trips the breaker. Repairing the problem would cost about as much as a new pump.
#3 – Noisy
Pool pumps are designed to run quietly. The most you should hear is a gentle, whirring sound. A noisy pool pump, with grinding gears or screeching noises, is a clear warning sign. A pool expert will be able to identify the source of the problem. Usually, a noisy pool pump is an indicator that components inside, like the bearings, are rusted. It may be possible to repair the pump instead of replacing it.
#4 – It Doesn’t Suck
Your pool pump needs to have enough suction to pull water through the filter. If it doesn’t, it can’t do its job correctly. You can check it’s suction power by looking at the pressure gauge. It should say 10 PSO or above. If the PSI is under 10, it has low suction. There are a few possible reasons: it may be a small leak or a clogged pump. Minor problems like these can be repaired. The low suction could also be a sign that the motor is worn out. Calling on a pool expert to inspect the motor can help you narrow down the cause and choose the best step to take.
#5 – Shuts Off Quickly
A functioning pool pump always runs smoothly. If it shuts off quickly, there is a problem. Many types of issues could cause this. It might be overheating because of a broken fan or a clog. Taking the pump apart and inspecting it will be the only way to find out the exact cause. It’s best to leave this to a professional who knows what to look for.
None of these problems will go away on their own. A failing pump will only get worse over time. You may be able to save your pool pump if you take action swiftly once you notice a red flag. The pool experts on our team here at PoolWorks are here to help you! If you live in the Lakeland, Florida area, give us a call to inspect your pool pump!