Ending the Summer with Pool Cleaning & Maintenance

We hate to be the ones to break it to you, but summer is nearing its end. The leaves are beginning to fall, and you may notice that the water in your pool is getting murky. While you may be holding on to hope for a few more pool days, it’s time to start thinking about ending the summer with good pool cleaning and maintenance.  The good news is, if you take proper care of your pool, it will be ready to use the next time summer comes around. Here at Poolworks, we have a few tips to make the transition between seasons easy for you.

Pool Supplies Haines City, FLTake Inventory of Your Pool Supplies

Before it’s officially time to close the pool for the summer, make sure you have everything you need. Recommended cleaning and maintenance supplies include:

  • Safety equipment including gloves, goggles, and respirators
  • Pool water tests
  • Chlorine, algaecide, and other chemicals
  • Pool water balancing products (PH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness increasers/decreasers)
  • Chlorine and other pool shock chemicals
  • Pool skimmer, brush, and vacuum

Having these on hand will make your end-of-summer pool cleaning and maintenance quick and easy.

Maintain Your Water Balance 

Until it is officially time to close, you should stay on top of your water balance. Test the water regularly to determine if you need to lower or increase the PH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. If these are not balanced, you may experience buildup and corrosion on any metal in your pool. An imbalance can also promote the growth of microorganisms. The water must be balanced before covering your pool for the winter.

Clean the Pool

Remove all floating debris by skimming the top of your pool. Clean out the different components within your pool including the filters, pumps, heaters, and chlorinators. Thoroughly brush the sides and bottom of the pool and finish with a good vacuum to remove the particles. If there are stains, add a stain prevention product to ensure you don’t have a difficult cleaning next season.

Shock the Pool

A few days before closing your pool, be sure to apply a chlorine shock. The goal is to kill all microorganisms including bacteria, algae, and fungi. The chemicals are harsh on your skin so be sure to let them work for a few days before using the pool again.

Close the Pool

When it is officially time to close the pool at the end of the summer, complete the final cleaning and maintenance needed. Check that the water is balanced and that all debris is cleared. On the day you are closing, apply a non-chlorine shock; this will oxidize the water. Add algaecide one last time to ensure you don’t open your pool up to green water next summer. Once this is complete, lower the water to a level that works with your cover. Finally, apply the cover, and you are set!

Pool Cleaning Bartow, FLEnding the Summer with Pool Works Pools and Spas

Cleaning and maintaining your pool at the end of summer can be a lot of work, but it will save you major frustrations in the next season. Of course, we provide this service so that you can use your precious time in other ways. Contact the team at Pool Works Pools and Spas by calling 863-967-2863 or book your cleaning online.

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