Should I Drain My Pool And Start Over

pool maintenance, lakeland, flBalancing pool water can be challenging, especially for new pool owners. Draining your pool and refilling it might seem like the best option if you’re tired of dealing with chronic algae problems or overwhelmed by a filthy pool. But draining your pool is a risky solution that could severely damage your pool. Luckily, most water quality issues can be solved without taking that drastic step.

Why Draining a Pool is a Last Resort

Pool experts rarely recommend draining an inground pool because it can cause expensive structural damage. For instance, if the water gets low enough in a vinyl pool, the liner could pop out. An empty concrete or fiberglass pool could crack.

Hydrostatic pressure is the reason draining a pool is risky. Hydrostatic pressure is the force that groundwater in the earth around your pool exerts on it. This pressure is powerful enough to crack concrete and force vinyl pool liners out of the ground. When your pool is full, you don’t have to worry about this because the water in your pool is heavy enough to counteract this pressure. If you need to drain your pool, be sure to consult a trusted pool expert to find out how to prevent these problems. Their recommendations will vary depending on the type of pool you have.

Draining your pool should be a last resort. It is rarely recommended unless your pool needs a major repair. If a professional pool specialist recommends draining your pool, be sure to follow their instructions! Experts, like the pool pros on our team, can help you safely empty your pool and refill it.

Avoiding structural damage isn’t the only reason you shouldn’t drain your pool. Emptying your pool isn’t just a risky and expensive alternative (filling a 10,000-30,000 gallon pool isn’t cheap); it also might not solve the problem. If you have rust-colored pool water or chronic algae issues, the root cause may be your water source, water hardness, or a faulty pool component. Taking a little extra time to diagnose the cause of the problem can save you money and solve the problem for good.

How to Fix Your Pool Water Without Draining It

Most pool water problems can be solved with a little hard work and perseverance. Following these seven simple steps can make your water crystal clear:

clean your pool, auburndale fl7 Steps to Clean Up Your Pool

  1. Remove large debris with a skimmer net or pool vacuum.
  2. Clean and backwash your pool’s water filter.
  3. Run the filter and pump 24/7 until the water clears up.
  4. Make sure that the water’s pH is 7.4, and the total alkalinity is 120. (If the pH or alkalinity are off, follow the recommendations of your local pool pros to adjust them.)
  5. Check the calcium hardness; it should be between 200 and 400ppm. If it’s not, consult your local pool expert for a solution.
  6. Adjust the free chlorine level to be between 2 and 4 ppm.
  7. Add additional chemicals as needed, such as pool shock or algaecide.

It can take up to two weeks to clear up your pool. Your persistence will pay off! Once you learn how to tackle the toughest water quality problems, maintaining your pool will feel like a breeze. If these seven steps don’t solve the problem, reach out to a trusted pool pro to diagnose the problem! A broken pool filter, corroding pool heater, or another faulty pool component might be the source of the problem.

Don’t give up when your pool looks like a hot mess! Unless a raccoon has turned your pool into their toilet (which can introduce tough to kill parasites), draining your pool isn’t the right solution. The best way to clean up your pool water is to follow the seven steps to clean up your pool. If those steps don’t do the trick, reach out to a pool professional like our pros at PoolWorks! We can help you diagnose the problem and find the right solution.

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