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Chlorine-Saving Methods and Alternatives

Chlorine keeps pools clean but chlorine-saving methods and alternatives can help reduce the uncomfortable effects of chlorine exposure. From red eyes and strong odors to skin irritation and allergic reactions, many swimmers have experienced the downside of excessive chlorine exposure in pools. The good news if you need strategies and alternatives to reduce chlorine usage is that several options are available for you to choose from.

chlorine for swimming pool, bartow flWhy Chlorine in the First Place?

Despite discomfort caused by chlorine, it is an effective and relatively inexpensive pool solution. The following are the three primary jobs achieved by chlorine in the necessarily continuous endeavor to keep pool water clean:


Chlorine kills germs and bacteria, achieving sanitization of the pool water.


Chlorine oxidizes, which means the effects of body oils, perspiration, and organic debris are kept under control when used.

Contains Algae Growth

Cyanobacteria algae are naturally occurring in swimming pools. They are also contained in most plant debris and soil. Algae spores can be introduced through swimwear or blown into the pool on a breeze. Algae are a constant reality in swimming pools. If growth is not discouraged, algae can quickly bloom until it is a visible colony. Although algaecide is what kills algae, chlorine does a good job of hindering its growth.

Chlorine-Saving Methods and Alternatives

Chemical sanitization of your pool without adding chlorine is possible with cal hypo tablets, bromine, and saltwater pool systems.

Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets

Calcium hypochlorite (cal hypo) tablet chlorination systems are a popular alternative to chlorine. When used properly, these systems release chlorine into pool water at healthy levels. Because the tablets “chlorinate over time,” they are widely considered the safest choice for maintaining pH balance in pools. Management of a cal hypo tablet chlorination system is also extremely simple.

Keep in mind that low-quality cal hypo tablets have been known to clog and break chlorinator systems. The pool chemistry becomes compromised when this happens, as well. Also, it is important to wear protective gloves and eyewear when handling cal hypo tablets.


With the installation of an automatic brominator, bromine can be used to reliably kill bacteria and keep your pool water clean, clear, and sanitized. Like chlorine, bromine is a sanitizer, though it is significantly more expensive than chlorine. Advantages of bromine follow:

  • Bromine is more stable than chlorine at higher temperatures.
  • When pH levels are higher, bromine is more effective than chlorine.
  • Unlike chloramines, bromamines retain killing power.
  • Chloramines gas off the water surface but bromamines do not.
  • Bromine can be re-used or reactivated by adding granular oxidizer (shock).

saltwater pool system, winter haven flSaltwater Systems

You can switch to a saltwater pool system, which would provide some nice advantages. There will still be chlorine in the pool but it’s not because you add chlorine to the water. Instead, chlorine is generated as salt in the water is converted and maintains a consistent chlorine level. Benefits of using a saltwater system in your pool include water that is softer feeling and is gentler on the eyes, hair, and clothing.

The pool cleaning experts at Pool Works specialize in maintaining sparkling clean pools. Visit us today. We are Lakeland Florida’s finest pool services provider.

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